American football: 59 фото

Чем американский футбол отличается от регби?quot; - Яндекс Кью

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Originally, our sport's name was “American Rugby Union Football.” After we established the forward pass, lines of scrimmage, and the lines we use now, it became known as “Gridiron football” and now American Football.
Gameplay in American football consists of a series of downs, individual plays of short duration, outside of which the ball is or is not in play. These can be plays from scrimmage – passes, runs, punts or field goal attempts (from either a place kick or a drop kick) – or free kicks such as kickoffs and fair catch kicks.
Unfortunately, high infrastructure costs are another impediment. Unlike basketball, which only needs a ball and two hoops, American football requires a very specific infrastructure, along with expensive sports equipment, which makes it so difficult to popularize the sport in other countries.
These whole weather and temperature differences also make American football not doable in most European countries. Additionally, Europeans only have one governing body for NFL games all around the continent.
Although the name soccer came out of the UK, there it is predominantly called football, while elsewhere in a few English speaking countries colonized by the British it is called soccer.

American Football

American Football is Mike Kinsella, Steve Holmes, and Nate Kinsella. LP1 covers album + remastered deluxe edition out October...

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