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Albert wesker resident evil: 59 фото

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This makes Wesker unique as a villain; despite being the antagonist, he too wants to see the evil corporation Umbrella brought down. To do so, he partners with nearly every other character in the series including Ada Wong, William Birkin, and Jack Krauser. Albert Wesker pervades the lore of Resident Evil.
What is known is that Wesker and Ms. Muller met in the United States in the early 90s when Wesker is roughly 30 years old, and Ms. Muller in her early 20s. She was an émigré, though had returned back to her home country of Edonia by 1992, pregnant with their son, Jake, who Wesker was unaware of.
Wesker ultimately chose to betray Umbrella and work with other groups to steal its research data, benefiting from a mutation brought on by a prototype virus that gave him superhuman powers.
Albert Wesker has always had a thirst for power and has betrayed his team maters and people who work for him for personal gain. He always worked for Umbrella and bring turmoil to the world. His personality is ego driven and thinks he is above anyone and everyone he comes in contact with.
Genius-Level Intellect: Wesker was a very fit, cunning, and intelligent person even before enhancement. He is a natural prodigy in science, bio-engineering, chemistry, virology, military strategies, and other forms of technology. He possesses an IQ of 180, the same as Albert Einstein.

Resident Evil: AfterLife. Chris, Claire & Alice VS Wesker. Fight Scene. HD 1080p.

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